In December 2011 I started to use "Scoop.IT" as a tool to inform about new items on Shambles.NET ... it takes much less time than posting directly to the Blog and also contains social elements like re-posting to other social networks and having the ability for visitors to leave comments.
I was never very good at regular posting here but hopefully the ScoopIT will be a better used tool ... TRY IT ... and subscribe if you'd like to receive emailed notices.
Shambles: What's New and exciting
Developments at
This page is also used to announce the online publications of the Shambles Newsletter
10 January 2012
16 May 2011
Shambles Newsletter May 2011 ... online
Shambles Newsletter May 2011 .. now online
and it lives at
or use the short url
It only comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators
The Content in this issue includes
- launch of ShamblesPad (built on EtherPad)
- Facebook instant OpenSIM VW
- IB in LinkedIn
- CPD courses and conferences
- iPad School Timetable App written by a student
- SAGE: Speakers, Authors, Guests, Experts
- PLANA Australia New Zealand CPD Portal
- #21CLHK #learn21cn #TechEx2011 #barcampcm4 #rscon3
- iDevices Apps #mlearning #Apps #edapp
- The Relationship Manifesto
- Digitise the Text Book Industry
- The TED-Ed Brain Trust
- Generation Y: Who, What, How
- Flipped Classroom
I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through Social networks.
It might be more convenient to use the url
which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002.
The next edition out in November
(enjoy the summer hols)
08 February 2011
Shambles Newsletter February 2011 .. now online
Shambles Newsletter February 2011 .. now online
and it lives at
or use the short url
It comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators worldwide.
I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through other Social networks.
It might be more convenient to use the url
which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002.
The next edition out in May 2011
Many thanks Chris
Try out this QR code to the newsletter with your mobile phone.
and it lives at
or use the short url
It comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators worldwide.
I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through other Social networks.
It might be more convenient to use the url
which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002.
The next edition out in May 2011
Many thanks Chris
Try out this QR code to the newsletter with your mobile phone.
16 January 2011
Shamblesguru Namecard
I'm about to have some (old media) namecards printed and so thought I'd take the opportunity to redesign them.
It is a challenge to decide just what to put on it ... originally I was going to go very minimalist but then it started to grow into a record of my digital footprint.
I even considered just linking to one page on the internet with all this info on it ... but then the aim is focus on the experience of recipients not myself ... which then brings into question ... what is the purpose of a paper-based namecard?. Is it to communicate or is it a marketing tool ... or vanity?
When I receive a namecard from others I scan it and throw the image into Evernote which auto character recognises the text to make it searchable ... so one of the considerations was to make it 'optical character recognition' friendly ... so no flowery or low contrast text and no messy backgrounds.
One easy decision was to include a QR Code ... with the increased use of smart phones I predict that 2011 will be the year of QR Codes in Education ... and you thought it was going to be tablets.
The interesting question is what should go in the QR Code? ... I decided to have it simply go to a page on Shambles ... so the decision is really what to put on that page to make it friendly to mobile devices .... I'm still working on that ;-)
So any feedback ... you have would be appreciated ... please add in 'comments' ...many thanks

15 December 2010
13 November 2010
02 October 2010
28 September 2010
10 September 2010
Scribblar meets Screenr in Singapore
Just returned from running a series of workshops in Singapore ... here is 90 seconds from the workshop "Beyond PowerPoint"
01 September 2010
29 August 2010
16 August 2010
11 May 2010
01 May 2010
Modern Foreign Languages and ICT
Recently I seem to have added a lot of links in the "MFL and ICT" area of shambles
One of those items is about the new virtual keyboards that Google has introduced to help with search.
29 March 2010
Workshops in Sydney 24 to 28 May 2010
In May I have been invited to Sydney (Australia) to run five days of workshops.
Full details of the workshops are at
These are all related to Web 2.0 ... they cover both a skills aspect and also discussions about how these applications and tools relate to teaching and learning.
For more details and to apply visit
Full details of the workshops are at
These are all related to Web 2.0 ... they cover both a skills aspect and also discussions about how these applications and tools relate to teaching and learning.
For more details and to apply visit
25 March 2010
18 February 2010
Shamblesguru and Chris at TEDxBKK
This is the 'in-world' portion of the TEDtalk given by Chris and Shamblesguru in Bangkok on 13 Feb 2010 ... a mixed reality talk.
Shambles' presentation at TEDx BKK 2010 from =IcaruS= on Vimeo.
05 February 2010
Shambles Newsletter February 2010 now online
The February 2010 edition of the Shambles newsletter is now online at
There are only three a year so not many to look at.
I'm really pleased with how this edition has turned out ... and I'm also very grateful for the suggestions and contributions received.
I'm pretty certain that there will be something in the newsletter that will be of interest to you and your colleagues ... please feel free to pass the link around, it is public.
One section that is bulging is that listing conferences, courses and workshops especially in S.E.Asia ... including some for the next academic year ... your staff i/c teacher professional development should find this particularly useful.
Next newsletter will be in May ...
Have fun
Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)
p.s. Happy Chinese New Year .... Year of the Tiger
09 December 2009
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